Love NVC and the way it blends so beautifully with other practices? You do? Then maybe you already know the answer to the following! If not, here are a few clues for you – get ready to start guessing!
Open 24 hours a day, 365 days a year;
Easy to get to – and easy to find – without having to go anywhere;
Provides you with a customizable self-study guide on NVC; and
Set up so members easily can browse its archives by subject, topic, NVC practice or by trainer?
Have you figured it out yet? If not, here are a few more clues…
Downloadable materials from generations of NVC trainers – past and present;
The history and foundation of the Nonviolent Communication movement founded by Marshall Rosenberg;
Courses and materials from well-known trainers such as Robert Gonzales, Kelly Bryson, Miki Kashtan, John Kinyon and Sylvia Haskvitz – to name a few – and
At least 500 courses in its archives: courses like “Parenting from Your Heart” with Inbal Kashtan” or “Living the Fullness of Life: The Integration of Spirituality and Relationship” with Robert Gonzales, or “All In: Committing to a Life of Nonviolence” with Miki Kashtan, or “The 4 D’s of Disconnection with Jim and Jori Manske.”
It’s the NVC Academy’s nothing-else-like-it-anywhere-else-in-the-world online NVC Multimedia Library!
Oh! You want to see which of our courses are in their online Library’s archives? Sure, just click here – but please come back and finish reading our email because the Academy’s having an outstanding promotion for their Library – and we want you to know about it!
If you visit the NVC Academy’s Multimedia Library and decide you’d like to become a member, use our promo code: MML75. That’ll gift you with a $75 off coupon for the NVC Marketplace – and yes, you’ll find a wide variety of NVC-related resources and materials there, including several from the two of us!
We hope you’ll visit and consider joining their Library… it’s a marvelous educational tool that can easily help you deepen your current studies of both NVC and NVC-blended practices!

Meiji and Neill
PudleDancer Press