Daily Meditation

from Peaceful Living
by Mary Mackenzie

You must be the change you want to see in the world.
–Mahatma Gandhi

Day 37: Peace Starts with You

Sometimes the discord in the world feels overwhelming and world peace seems impossible. At times like these, it can be tempting to give up. However, peace will be a reality when individuals from around the world become committed to living their own lives peacefully.

Peace starts with each individual. If you are consumed with anger, resentment and hate, you promote violence. If you are consumed with harmony, tolerance and compassion, you promote peace. Each time you refrain from doing harm - snapping at the store clerk or yelling at your children or partner - and each time you empathize with someone, you are working toward peace. We can each do our part to create world peace by creating compassion and peace in our daily lives.

Be aware of how your attitudes or actions promote peace or discord today.

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Here is a link to the book, Peaceful Living. It makes a wonderful gift for yourself, friends, colleagues, or loved ones.

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