Research Folders

Nonviolent Communication Research

Collated for PuddleDancer Press by Marion Little, MA Dispute Resolution, CNVC Trainer

This is an up to date list of journal articles, dissertations, theses, project reports, and independent studies exploring various facets of Nonviolent Communication. Assessments of NVC training impacts are indicated with an *asterix. Some of these are qualitative, some quantitative, and some are mixed methods. Together they begin to offer an evidence base.

Links to authorized electronic versions of papers are provided wherever possible.

If you have completed NVC research and would like to add your paper to the list, please contact us.

Citation for researchers making use of this page:
Little, Marion (2020, June 4). Nonviolent Communication Research. Puddledancer Press website. Encinitas CA: Puddledancer Press. Retrieved from:


Academic Journal Articles (Peer Reviewed)

* Agnew, E. N. (2012). Needs and Nonviolent Communication in the religious studies classroom: Needs and nonviolent communication. Teaching Theology & Religion, 15(3), 210-224.

Almeida, C. D. d., Oliveira, S. B., & Brum, L. S. (2019). DA COMUNICAÇÃO NÃO-VIOLENTA À CULTURA DE PAZ: Círculos, narrativas e contribuições. Revista Observatório, 5(4), 463-480.

* Baesler, E. J., & Lauricella, S. (2014). Teach peace: Assessing instruction of the Nonviolent Communication and peace course. Journal of Peace Education, 11(1), 46-63.

Boyer, R. H. W. (2016). Achieving one-planet living through transitions in social practice: A case study of dancing rabbit ecovillage. Sustainability: Science, Practice and Policy, 12(1), 47-59.

Cox, E., & Dannahy, P. (2005). The value of openness in e-relationships: Using Nonviolent Communication to guide online coaching and mentoring. International Journal of Evidence Based Coaching and Mentoring, 3(1), 39–51.

Einhorn, L. (2006). Using e-prime and English minus absolutisms to provide self-empathy. ETC: A Review of General Semantics, 63(2), 180-186. Retrieved June 3, 2020, from

Ekman, E., & Krasner, M. (2017). Empathy in medicine: Neuroscience, education and challenges. Medical Teacher, 39(2), 164-173.

Fernandes, H., & Horta, Ana Lúcia de Moraes. (2018). Nursing and light technologies for a peace culture within the family. Revista Brasileira De Enfermagem, 71(suppl 6), 2854-2857.

* Fitzgerald, H. J. (2019). A (not so) simple dialogue activity. Journal of Religion & Spirituality in Social Work: Social Thought: Peace, 38(4), 415-427.

* Givehchi, E., Navabinejad, S., Farzad, V. (2017). Comparing the Efficacy of the Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy with Non-Violent Communication Program on the Children’s Externalizing Symptoms. Majallah-i Dānishgāh-i ’Ulūm-i Pizishkī-i Shahīd Ṣadūqī Yazd Journal of Shahid Sadoughi University of Medical Sciences, 25(5), 333-346.

* Kasumagic, L. (2008). Engaging youth in community development: Post-war healing and recovery in Bosnia and Herzegovina. International Review of Education, 54(3/4), 375-392.

Lee, C. A., Kessler, C. M., Varon, D., Martinowitz, U., Heim, M., Rosenberg, M., & Molho, P. (1998). Nonviolent (empathic) communication for health care providers. Haemophilia, 4(4), 335-340.

* Manczak, E. M., DeLongis, A., & Chen, E. (2016). Does empathy have a cost? Diverging psychological and physiological effects within families. Health Psychology, 35(3), 211–218.

* Mann, J., Lown, B., & Touw, S. (2020). Creating a culture of respect and interprofessional teamwork on a labor and birth unit: A multifaceted quality improvement project. Journal of Interprofessional Care, 1-7.

* Marlow, E., Nyamathi, A., Grajeda, W. T., Bailey, N., Weber, A., and Younger, J. (2011, November). Nonviolent Communication Training and Empathy in Male Parolees Journal Correctional Health Care. Journal of Correctional Health Care, 18(1), 8-19.

* Museux, A.-C., Dumont, S., Careau, E., & Milot, É. (2016). Improving interprofessional collaboration: The effect of training in Nonviolent Communication. Social Work in Health Care, 55(6), 427–439.

Nosek, M. (2012). Nonviolent Communication: A dialogical retrieval of the ethic of authenticity. Nursing Ethics, 19(6), 829-837.

* Nosek, M., & Durán, M. (2017). Increasing Empathy and Conflict Resolution Skills through Nonviolent Communication (NVC) Training in Latino Adults and Youth. Progress in Community Health Partnerships: Research, Education, and Action 11(3), 275-283.

* Nosek, M., Gifford, E., & Kober, B. (2014). Nonviolent Communication training increases empathy in baccalaureate nursing students: A mixed method study. Journal of Nursing Education & Practice, 4(10), 1–15.

* Rezaei, Z., Behpajooh, A., Ghobari-Bonab, B. (2019). The Effectiveness of Nonviolent Communication Training on Mother-Child Interaction in Mothers of Children With Intellectual Disability. Archives of Rehabilitation (previously Journal of Rehabilitation) 20(1), 40-51.

* Rose, L. (2006). Nonviolent Communication: A tool for working with children who have emotional or behavioral challenges. General Music Today (Online), 19(2), 35-36.

Schwind, J. K., McCay, E., Metersky, K., & Martin, J. (2016). Development and implementation of an advanced therapeutic communication course: An interprofessional collaboration. The Journal of Nursing Education, 55(10), 592-597.

* Stueck, M., Villegas, A., Lahn, F., Bauer, K., Tofts, P., & Sack, U. (2016). Biodanza for kindergarten children (TANZPRO-biodanza): Reporting on changes of cortisol levels and emotion recognition. Body, Movement and Dance in Psychotherapy, 11(1), 75-89.

* Suarez, A., Lee, D. Y., Rowe, C., Gomez, A. A., Murowchick, E., Linn, P. L. (2014, Jan.). Freedom Project Nonviolent Communication and Mindfulness Training in Prison. Sage Open, 4(1), 1-10.
Terepyshchyi, S., Khomenko, H. (2019). Development of Methodology for Applying Non-Violent Conflict Resolution in Academic Environment. Future Human Image. 12, 94-103

Van Deusen Hunsinger, D. (2009). Practicing koinōnia. Theology Today, 66(3), 346-367.

* Vazhappilly, J. J., & Reyes, M. E. S. (2017). Non-Violent Communication and marital relationship: Efficacy of ‘Emotion-Focused Couples’ Communication Program among Filipino couples. Psychological Studies, 62(3), 275–283.

* Visakavičiūtė, E., & Bandzevičienė, R. (2019). Impact of the Nonviolent Communication intervention program on the social behavior of the participants: Overview of the systemic research analysis. Socialinis Darbas, 17(1).

* Wacker, R., & Dziobek, I. (2018). Preventing empathic distress and social stressors at work through Nonviolent Communication training: A field study with health professionals. Journal of Occupational Health Psychology, 23(1), 141–150.

Doctoral Dissertations (Reviewed by an examination committee)

* Altmann, T. (2013) Funktionale Empathie: Entwicklung und Evaluation eines Empathietrainings auf Basis eines integrativen Prozessmodells zur Vermeidung empathisch kurzschlüssigen Handelns [Unpublished PhD dissertation). Universität Duisburg-Essen. DuEPublico.

Dougan, D. (2010). Can you see the beauty: Nonviolent communication as counter narrative in the lives of former prisoners [Unpublished PhD dissertation]. Washington State University. CiteSeerx Digital Library.

Ramos Salazar, L. (2013). Communicating with compassion: The exploratory factor analysis and primary validation process of the Compassionate Communication Scale. [Unpublished PhD dissertation]. Arizona State University. Arizona State University Digital Repository.

Sears, Melanie S. (2013). Nonviolent Communication: Application to Health Care (ISBN 9781892005267) [PhD dissertation, International University of Professional Studies, Maui HI].

* Steckal, D. S. (1994). Compassionate communication and levels of participant empathy and self-compassion [Unpublished PhD dissertation]. United States International University.

Young, L. B. (2011). The expression of nonviolence in communication and its relation to physical and mental health: Development and validation of a coding system for measuring the expression of nonviolence in communication between intimate partners in conflict situations [Unpublished PhD dissertation]. University of Massachusetts.

Master’s Theses (Reviewed by an examination committee)

* Altmann, Tobias. (2010). Evaluation der Gewaltfreien Kommunikation in Quer- und Längsschnittdaten [Unpublished MA thesis]. Universität Leipzig.

* Ask, B. (2016). How to influence and improve peace negotiations and conflict resolutions by communication: A comparative analysis of nonviolent communication and strategic communication, applied to one case study [Unpublished MA Thesis). Uppsala University. Diva Portal Thesis Repository.

Beck, S. R. (2005). Developing Nonviolent Communication: An Integral Approach [Unpublished MA Thesis]. University of Victoria.

* Blake, S. M. (2002). A step toward violence prevention: Non-violent Communication as part of a college curriculum [Unpublished MA Thesis]. Florida Atlantic University.

* Branscomb, Jane. (2011). Summative evaluation of a workshop in collaborative communication [MA Thesis, Public Health]. Emory University. Emory Theses and Dissertations Library.

Hansson, A. (2008 ). Språkets betydelse för positiv informationsförmedling mellan inspektörer och brukare. Halmstad University, School of Business and Engineering (SET). Diva Portal.

Hooper, Lee. (2015). An exploratory study: Non-violent communication strategies for secondary teachers using a Quality Learning Circle approach [Unpublished MA thesis]. University of Canterbury. UC Research Repository.

Hulley, W. C. (2006). Mindful counseling: Nonviolent communication as a Mahayana skillful means (Unpublished MA Thesis). Naropa University.

Jones, R. (2005). Understanding the nature of empathy: A personal perspective. Counseling and Psychotherapy (Unpublished MA Thesis). University of East London.

Jones, Suzanne. (2009). Traditional Education or Partnership Education: Which Educational Approach Might Best Prepare Students for the Future? [Unpublished MA Thesis, Communication]. San Diego University.

* Joó, I. (2018). Radicaal anders [Unpublished MA thesis]. Utrecht University.

Juncadella, Carme Mampel. (2013). What is the impact of the application of the Nonviolent communication model on the development of empathy? Overview of research and outcomes [Unpublished MSc thesis, Psychotherapy Studies]. University of Sheffield.

* Little, Marion. (2008). Total Honesty/Total Heart: Fostering empathy development and conflict resolution skills. A violence prevention strategy [Unpublished MA Thesis]. University of Victoria. UVic Space Electronic Theses and Dissertations.

McCain, David R. (2014). Stepping Back To Move Forward: How the Skills of Empathic Dialogue Support Interpersonal Communication [Unpublished MA thesis]. Northern Arizona University.

* Museux, Anne-Claire. (2014). Étude sur la contribution de la communication consciente à l’optimisation de la collaboration interprofessionnelle centrée sur la personne [Unpublished MA thesis]. Corpus Institutional Repository.

* Nash, A.L. (2007). Case Study of Tekoa Institute: Illustration of Nonviolent Communication Training’s Effect on Conflict Resolution [Unpublished MS thesis]. Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University. VTechWorks.

Nguyen Truong Bao Khuyen. (2019). The role of NVC in power transformation: How practising NVC helps to transform power expression at the workplace – some examples from Viet Nam. [Unpublished MA Thesis, International Development Mediation]. National University of Ireland Maynooth.
NVC for power transformation

* Shen, Sherry (Chen Yu). (2013). Mindful practices for the health promotion and empowerment of institutionalized youth and young adults in Peru [Unpublished MA Report, Public Health]. University of Arizona.

Conference Papers

* Connor, J. M. and Wentworth, R. (2012). Training in Collaborative Communication in an Organizational Context: Assessment of Impact. Paper presentation, Psychologists for Social Responsibility Conference in Washington DC, July 12-14, 2012.

Project Reports

* Bazemore, G., & Stinchcomb, J. (2004). A civic engagement model of reentry: Involving community through service and restorative justice. Federal Probation, 68(2), 1-14.

* Burleson, M., Martin, M., and Lewis, R. (2012). Assessing the Impact of Nonviolent Communication: An Outcome Evaluation. Atlanta, GA: Sacred Space Inc.

* Connor, J. M. and Wentworth, R. (2012). Collaborative Communication Training: Assessment of Impact

* Costetti, Vilma. (1999). Nonviolent Communication Experimental Project in Primary Schools. _Experimental_Project_in_Primary_Schools.pdf
* Muth, Cornelia (Hrsg.). (2010). Dann kann man das ja auch mal so lösen! — Auswertungsinterviews mit Kindern und Jugendlichen nach Trainings zur Gewaltfreien Kommunikation. Stuttgart DE: Ibidum Press. ISBN 978-3-8382-0120-7.

* Riemer, D. (2009, Spring). Creating Sanctuary: Reducing Violence in a Maximum Security Forensic Psychiatric Hospital Unit. On The Edge, 15(1), 2.

* Riemer, D. and Corwith, C. (2007, Fall). Application of core strategies: reducing seclusion & restraint use. On The Edge, 13(3), 7-10. CNVC web archives

* Savic, Nada Ignjatovic. (1996). Mutual Education: Giraffe Language in Kindergartens and Schools. Belgrade, Serbia: a Report for the Institute of Psychology, Belgrade University.

* Suzić, Nenad & Maric, Tatjana & Malešević, Dane. (2018). Effects of Nonviolent Communication Training Program on Elementary School Children. Arctic. 71(8). 35 – 62. _COMMUNICATION_TRAINING_PROGRAM_ON_ELEMENTARY _SCHOOL_CHILDREN

* Zacapa, E. (2014). Research. Harmony of the Heart (website). Retrieved from


* (2014, April 30). Batterers’ intervention recidivism rates lowest known to date. In the Mountain Democrat (Placerville, CA). Retrieved from:

Danielsen, G. (2005). Meeting Human Needs, Preventing Violence: Applying Human Needs Theory to the Conflict in Sri Lanka. Course Essay. Buenos Aires: Universidad del Salvador. Note: Please contact G. Danielsen ([email protected]) before referencing, some quotations have not been authorized by the person quoted for reproduction.